Wednesday, December 6, 2017

2017 "Time" person of the year: "The Silence Breakers". & yet another Trump lie

It gets difficult to keep track of all the Trump BS, because the Donald just lies so muchBut if you remember, it was just about a week & a half ago that Trump tweeted "Time" magazine had asked him to be "person of the year" -- For the second year in a row! 

This was obviously a lie. Today, "Time"released their actual "person of the year" issue: "The silence breakers"

Seeing the magnitude of Time's "the silence breakers" coverage & the amount of people that must've been involved in creating this issue, Trump was indeed lying when he said "Time" had selected him. 

Time's decision makes sense, the Donald's "victory" was last year's news. This year, it has been the sexual harassment allegations & accusations that have made worldwide news. & there have been far-reaching consequences in the news-media, entertainment & political world because of it:

'"Time magazine has named "the Silence Breakers" - women and men who spoke out against sexual abuse and harassment - as its "Person of the Year".

The movement is most closely associated with the #MeToo hashtag which sprung up as allegations emerged against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

But Time says the hashtag is "part of the picture, but not all of it".

"This is the fastest-moving social change we've seen in decades," editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal said.

He told NBC's Today programme that it "began with individual acts of courage by hundreds of women - and some men, too - who came forward to tell their own stories".'

Ironically, while Time magazine was working on their "silence breakers" article which of course deals with the sexual harassment of women (& men), Trump began supporting Roy Moore who has been credibly accused of pedophilia for his sexual contact & harassment of teenage girls:
"President Trump issued his first full-throated endorsement of Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused of multiple instances of sexual misconduct with teenage girls in the 1970s, in a tweet this morning"

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