Thursday, November 30, 2017

Republicans rushing tax bill. It's headed for a vote today or tomorrow

The GOP tax bill (which benefits the rich) is already headed for a final vote either today or tomorrow:

"The Senate Is Rushing to Pass Its Tax Bill Because It Stinks"

"PICKPOCKETING THE MIDDLE CLASS: Like the House tax bill, the Senate measure would change how the government adjusts tax brackets and other tax provisions for inflation, replacing the Consumer Price Index with the Chained Consumer Price Index, which tends to increase at a slower rate. While most taxpayers would not notice an immediate impact, the effects would compound over time as more low- and middle-income families are pushed into higher tax brackets, and as working families receive less help through benefits like the earned-income tax credit.

Over the next decade, changing the inflation measure would mean that families would lose $134 billion by paying more in taxes and receiving fewer benefits than they would under current law, according to Congress’sJoint Committee on Taxation. The increase will be even bigger in future years: $31.5 billion in 2027 alone."

Giving tax cuts to the rich while forcing working-class families to pay more. There's no doubt the Republicans are brazen. I watched a Trump speech in Missouri yesterday in which he appeared to be mocking the middle-class. About the GOP tax bill, the Donald was saying things like "this is not good for me" & "all my wealthy friends will dislike me for this bill":

'"This is not good for me. Me, and some very wealthy friends, not good for me," Mr. Trump said'

One of Trump's favorite phrases is "everybody knows". So I'll use it right now, everybody knows the rich will benefit from this bill, so why say otherwise? I believe it is only to mock us, since there's nothing we can do about it (GOP controls senate, house, and presidency). I know it's a long shot but I still called my senator (again) since I don't want to see my taxes eventually go up. Is that too much to ask? (I was only able to leave voice mail btw). 

Here's a page with all of the senators' phone numbers in case you'd like to call:

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