Wednesday, November 29, 2017

NBC's Matt Lauer fired for "inappropriate sexual behavior". But what about Trump?

Matt Lauer is the latest media personality to be fired:

"Report: Matt Lauer allegedly sexually assaulted NBC staffer during Olympics"

"Details of the alleged sexual misconduct have not been disclosed and Lauer's accuser is reportedly wishing to remain anonymous. A source told Page Six that the claim revolves around NBC's coverage of the Olympics in Russia. (The publication initially said it was at the Rio Olympics in 2016.)
"This happened so quickly. She didn't go to the media, she made a complaint to NBC's human resources, and her evidence was so compelling that Matt was fired on Tuesday night. The victim says she has evidence that this has also happened to other women, but so far we don't have evidence of that," the insider told Page Six."

Better late than never at NBC, I guess. Nevertheless, the current climate in the media against sexual harassers came too late to have affected Donald Trump. 
The hypocrite Trump when not retweeting European fascists's posts (& being condemned by UK PM Theresa May)...

"Theresa May condemns Trump's retweets of UK far-right leader’s anti-Muslim videos"

...tweeted this today:

The irony is, Trump would've been the first personality to have been fired by NBC from "The Apprentice" if the Harvey Weinstein scandal had happened a few years ago. 
Trump must think we don't remember his "inappropriate sexual behavior" which is well-documented in the "Access Hollywood" tape:

It appears our aging president somehow forgot about the "Access Hollywood" tape, & now claims it's not real:

"Trump Is Apparently Telling People the Infamous Access Hollywood Tape Is a Fake"

"Trump allegedly “suggested” to a senator earlier this year that the tape in which he can be heard boasting about how being famous meant he could “grab” women “by the pussy” without consequences “was not authentic,” according to the Times. He also peddled that same information to an adviser recently."

So here we are, events in the media appear to suggest the working-place environment is improving for women. However, we still have a president who claimed he could grab women by the pussy without consequences, so we still have a long way to go.

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