Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Net Neutrality to be repealed

During the '16 campaign, Trump said there would be a lot of "winning" during his term in office. A year later, it appears corporations like AT&T & Comcast will be the ones doing most of the winning once Net Neutrality is repealed:

"F.C.C. Announces Plan to Repeal Net Neutrality"


"The clear winners from the move would be telecom giants like AT&T and Comcast that have lobbied for years against regulations of broadband and will now have more control over the online experiences of American consumers. The losers could be internet sites that will have to answer telecom firms to get their content in front of consumers. And consumers may see their bills increase for the best quality of internet service."

Not surprisingly, large telecom providers have been fighting the principle of net neutrality for years:  

"FCC Is Revving Up to Destroy the Internet As We Know It"

"The principle of net neutrality—which ensures internet service providers (ISPs) cannot favor some data over other data—has been contested by large telecom providers and their pro-corporate political allies for years. Initially instituted by the FCC Open Internet Order of 2010, the regulations suffered a setback when in 2014 the DC Circuit Court ruled in favor of Verizon, which had argued the FCC had no authority to enforce the existing legislation. After extreme pressure by the public, the FCC ruled in 2015 to reclassify broadband providers as “common carriers,” thereby re-establishing regulatory control. But shortly following the election of Donald Trump and the installment of a new FCC Chairman, plans were outlined to reverse the 2015 order, with the commission’s panel of three voting two to one in favor of repeal this past May. Today’s news merely establishes a date for the death knell: an FCC meeting on December 14th." 

Personally, I've always paid a lot of money for internet use due to work requirements for high-speed data access. When I mention my monthly payment amount to friends & family, they're always surprised at how expensive it is. Thus, I'm unsure how this repeal will affect me. But knowing corporations & ISPs, it'll most likely mean I'll have to pay (even) more.

This writer from Bloomberg makes the point that the ideals of Net neutrality aren't real. Nevertheless, she still reaches the conclusion the internet will become less fair: 

"Net Neutrality Is Fiction, No Matter What FCC Does"

"I will concede that it gives me the willies to allow more self-determination by the telephone and cable companies. That's what the Federal Communications Commission is doing by wiping away rules that require providers of internet access to treat all online information the same."
But like most high-minded principles, the ideals of net neutrality aren't reality. No matter what the FCC does, America's internet is not an equal place and it's only going to become less fair." 

The "Young Turks" have an interesting video about it. They approach the subject from the correct perspective that net neutrality is regulation that ensures Internet service providers cannot slow the speeds of certain websites. Therefore, the repeal of net neutrality means the end of the free & open internet:

"R.I.P. The Internet, 1983-2017"


The Young Turks video also makes the point that internet service providers like Verizon will be able to charge more for faster internet speeds. & Republican FCC chairman Ajit Pai used to be a lawyer for Verizon, so it's all related to influence in government by corporations. 
If there's any action to be taken by people to prevent the repeal of net neutrality, it needs to happen quick. The final decision will be put to a vote at the FCC's December 14th, 2017 meeting in Washington. 

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