Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trump's backtracking on white supremacists & nazis

Well, it's been 24 hours, and Trump's already backtracking on white supremacists & nazis:
"Trump Defends Initial Remarks on Charlottesville; Blames ‘Both Sides’"

In a long, combative exchange with reporters at Trump Tower in Manhattan, the president repeatedly rejected a torrent of bipartisan criticism for waiting several days before naming the right-wing groups and placing blame on “many sides” for the violence on Saturday that ended with the death of a young woman after a car crashed into a crowd.
He said that “before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”
And he criticized “alt-left” groups that he claimed were “very, very violent” when they sought to confront the nationalist and Nazi groups that had gathered in Charlottesville, Va., to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from a park. He said there is “blame on both sides.

Pundits and reporters on TV are shocked. & don't get me wrong, I can understand their shock, but I can't say I'm personally surprised. 

In the summer of 2015, when I first heard Trump say Mexicans are rapists & criminals, I could not believe it. Never in my life had I heard a major U.S. political figure be so openly racist towards Mexicans and Mexican-Americans like myself. I thought "this is how it starts, first it's Mexicans, then Muslims, then Blacks, then Jews...". Fast-forward to last night when I watched a "Vice News" documentary about the far-right gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia titled "Charlottesville: Race and Terror", & as you can see from the screenshot, we're there: 
I've heard many different opinions about who's to blame for the ascendant racist movement ("alt-right" or "United Right"): people blame the media, the Trump campaign, Stephen Bannon, the much-ridiculed "economic anxiety", changing demographics, social media, etc. Whoever or whatever is responsible, there's no denying the rhetoric & physical confrontations in Charlottesville led to a domestic terrorist act:
In addition, president Trump failed to call it a domestic terrorist act and didn't condemn nazis and racists until two days later (& today he retracted himself).

Cenk Uygur from the young Turks had an excellent video last night where he says (to paraphrase): we all need to unite "as a society to make sure the racists's ideas do not take hold in America" & we need to prevent racists from commiting more "acts of violence": 

I agree with Uygur, but the question is: how do we do that? 
Violence is the first thing that comes to mind but it's not worth it, it's counterproductive, nobody wins, & the people most likely to get hurt are the most vulnerable.
People are pressuring companies to abandon Trump's economic council which seems reasonable. Because the only way we're going to be able to counter the growing racist movement will be through political action, and by boycotting companies even if they passively support white supremacist organizations. 

Unfortunately, I'm a pessimist by nature and I think we opened a Pandora's box, therefore, who knows where this will end?   

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