Friday, August 25, 2017

Gorka is pushed out by Kelly, Arpaio is pardoned by Trump, & hurricane "Harvey" reaches cat 4

Upon watching the footage above on TV this evening, I thought the news tonight would be all about hurricane "Harvey" with nothing from the world of politics.

But I was wrong.

Alt-righter Gorka "resigned" from the white House which should have been good news for everybody; he was obviously pushed out by General Kelly who's trying to get rid of the fringe element. But at the same time, bad news is the "emperor" of the alt-right, Donald Trump, announced he pardoned Arpaio. The Donald clearly advertising to Bob Mueller that he's not afraid to use his power to undermine the law. 

In an interview on MSNBC, Bob Bauer (white house counsel to Obama), stated that in his use of the pardon, Trump apparently did not follow a formal review process, & had no recommendation from the department of Justice, as well as was indifferent to the circumstances of a hurricane making landfall in Texas. The pardon of Arpaio is an attack on the Latino community here in Phoenix as well as to Latinos nationwide (I will write more about it in Spanish in an accompanying post later tonight).

& as I mentioned before, also happening tonight, a cat 4 hurricane has made landfall in Texas.

"Katrina, did you see her? White folks worry 'bout them fuckin' misdemeanor. While black people dyin' in that Goddamn arena": the great lyricist Ice Cube brought the ineptitude of the W Bush administration into focus with that rhyme from "Growin' Up": a rhyme from a song which somehow got stuck in my head tonight. Maybe because I remember the chaos after Katrina. I was young but I still got to know people who were displaced by the storm & relocated to Phoenix.

Now it appears another Katrina-like storm has made landfall in Texas. But this time, there's no excuse for Trump to mishandle the response. More than a decade after Katrina's devastation, the aftermath of that natural disaster should have been a cautionary tale for every politician holding office, especially the one holding the highest office of the United States.

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