Yesterday, the Wall Street journal released a story indicating Mueller's #TrumpRussia investigation had moved before a grand jury. Reuters confirmed the report. & in addition, Reuters said grand-jury subpoenas have been issued in relation to a june 2016 meeting at Trump tower in which Don jr., Kushner, & Manafort all met with a Russian government lawyer.
The Atlantic has an article about it:
Interestingly, we first learned about the Don jr. meeting from leaks to the NYTimes. Hence, events from today & from last night provide an insight into how the Trump administartion plans to fight back. Today, Attorney General Sessions announced a war on "leakers", and last night, Trump gave a speech in West Virginia where he rallied his base against the Russia investigation.
About that particular speech in West Virginia, I keep hearing the same sound bites on all the news shows. & some pundits gushing about how Trump really knows how to speaks to his base.
All I heard was the Donald trying to make his voice sound deeper than it actually is. & a lot of screaming about how "they" are out to get you ("Trump rallies his base against Russia investigation" is how Politico puts it If that's what it takes to rally your base, it's no wonder many of us thought Bernie Sanders would have won. Bernie had a simple message (taxing billionaires, free college, free health-care), & he connected with people.
But back to last night's Trump speech in West Virginia. The Donald's simpleton message wouldn't always work: for example if you're cheating on your girlfriend with a Russian stripper & your gf asks: "are you cheating with a Russian stripper?" & then you scream "No! -- Do you see any Russian strippers here?!" (don't ask me why I'm thinking about cheating with Russian strippers). Point is, Trump's base will believe anything, & they're willing to do whatever Trump tells them to. Last night they were even chanting "lock her up" when Hillary's name was brought up, even though Hillary is an irrelevant political figure at this point. It's as if George HW Bush had brought up Dukakis's name at rallies after HWBush was first elected.
The only way Democrats can politically fight back against Trump is if they find a leader of the party who can actually speak up & fight back (like Bernie (though he seems to annoy many of Clinton's supporters & the Democratic establishment)). Because, let's be honest; the leaders the democrats have right now are not cutting it: Pelosi had a press conference the other day where she was supposedly "attacking" Trump but it was so boring I almost fell asleep.
If you look at the defeat of #Trumpcare, you know the resistance against Trump is strong, & they include many passionate Hillary Clinton supporters so I'm not writing this to alienate anybody.
But it is time for the Resistance to hopefully rally around one leader who can fight back in a clear & concise way against the fiery rhetoric from this administration.
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