Sunday, September 24, 2017

Who'll lead the #Democrats?

I was browsing through the new "Time" magazine this evening when I came across this page:

I was talking to a visiting relative about it (she supported Hillary), & she immediately said Bernie shouldn't be a front-runner. I asked her "why not?". "Because he's too old", she replied. 

As I've said before, if Democrats allow the Bernie-Hillary divide to continue into the midterms & into the next presidential election, Democrats & Progressives will lose again.

Just like my relative immediately dismissed Bernie, I've seen a lot of Progressives immediately dismiss Kamala Harris, for example. 

I think both camps are wrong. 

There'll have to be a long & tough fight as well as vigorous, no-holds-barred debate between several candidates until one is left standing. & of course, the DNC cannot get involved in the fight or choose a favorite. 

Each & every single candidate will have to prove themselves in front of the democratic base in order to earn the support of every single constituency within it.

That's the only way a true Democratic leader will emerge. 

I tend to support Bernie even if people say he's old: "he'd still win" is what I often reply (simple as that). 

However, if kamala Harris were to out-debate everybody & have a connection with the democratic electorate, & win the nomination, I'd accept it & support her. Same goes for the rest of the candidates. 
However, Democrats can't allow the presidential nomination to devolve into a coronation because whichever candidate is eventually coronated WILL lose the general. 

At this time last year, very few people (including republicans) thought we would be hearing the words "president Trump" in 2017. Nevertheless, the republican party stayed away from "assigning" a more "mainstream" candidate like Marco Rubio. & despite everything (including having a historically unpopular candidate), the GOP actually ended up winning. 
It's cliché but true: if Democrats fail to learn from the mistakes of the 2016 election, they'll be doomed to repeat them.

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