Monday, September 4, 2017

Trump tweeting his way through North-Korean crisis

I'd never thought Twitter (with its #hashtags, obsession with followers, political fights, trolls, etc.) was going to be a platform for the U.S. president to make public statements about a potential nuclear conflict with a hostile nation. But that's where we're at.

Many issues related to North-Korea are announced via Twitter entries like the one above (140 characters or less). U.N. sanctions that were lauded by Trump (one billion dollar cost to NorthKorea!) are then minimized by his own tweet a week later threatening  Kim Jong Un with "military solutions" (see tweet below).

Kim Jong Un is threatened by Trump. But then a week later he's also praised for making a "wise & well-reasoned decision" (see tweet below):

When that doesn't seem to work, Trump tries to "embarrass" China (see tweet below): 

More troubling, now Trump appears to be accusing South-Korea of "appeasement" (see tweet below).

So now there's this headline from the NYTimes:

"Allies for 67 Years, U.S. and South Korea Split Over North Korea"

"On Twitter on Thursday, he declared that “talking is not the answer!” in dealing with North Korea, casting aside the push by the new South Korean president, Moon Jae-in, to hold talks with the North. On Saturday, hethreatened to withdraw the United States from a five-year-old free trade agreement with South Korea over what he considers its unfair protectionist policies. And on Sunday, after North Korea detonated its most powerful nuclear device yet, he essentially called the South Koreans appeasers."

Also, Trump now appears to threaten "any country" that does business with North-Korea (see tweet above). What does Kim Jung Un & North-Korea think of the tweeting U.S. president? Who knows? 
But Trump letting the whole world know (via Twitter) how the U.S. president deals with adversary nations is prob not smart policy, & could lead to strategic problems for us in the future.

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