Monday, July 17, 2017

Will Trump return Washington/NewYork compounds back to Russia?

I was talking with a friend this weekend who I hadn't seen in a while. & during our conversation, she mentioned the Donald junior story, then asked me what I thought about it. So of course, I gave my long-winded opinion. She did sound very upset about Russian intervention in the election which kind of surprised me (because I didn't know she cared that much).

Our conversation kept going until we somehow got to the time (right before leaving office) when Obama took New York & Washington property away from the Russians. My friend incorrectly said Trump had already returned those properties. So I said "I don't think so". Sure enough, after googling the issue, I found that those properties have not been returned. "But it's only a matter of time" she said; always wanting to have the last word.

Nevertheless, I did remember back when the Obama administration first seized the compounds; the Russians didn't seem to care too much about it (they even invited American families & children to a Christmas/NewYear's event at the Kremlin). It's obvious Putin was sure Trump would return the properties.

But now, since it's been six months of the Trump administration and the compounds have not been returned, the Russians are "stepping up the pressure" (according to this bloomberg article; link below):

It'll be interesting to see if Trump caves to Putin & returns the properties thus proving my friend (& many others) right.

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