Monday, July 10, 2017

Should we ignore Trump's tweets?

I'm always hearing news about the Donald being in a stupid Twitter war with one person or another. Last week, the person was "morning Joe" (?). Today, the person is Chelsea Clinton (Chelsea? I guess we're still in the never-ending 2016 election (with a hint of 90's nostalgia)).

Based on the aforementioned inane tweets, should people ignore Trump's twitter account?

I admit this came to mind while I was reading an opinion article in the  "Phoenix New Times". 
The article urges the media to ignore Trump's tweets:

The article makes some valid points but also gets into some non-issues like attacking CNN's Fredricka Whitfield for misspeaking about the Dallas shooter (that's another story entirely, but point taken).  

But back to Trump & Twitter; don't get me wrong, I get angry about Trump's tweets too, and I start "furiously" responding to him. In addition, I retweet what I considered to be the best replies against his "tweetstorms". 

But it is getting old.  

And speaking of old, It seems to me Trump is like a grandpa who's starting to forget what he said, then argues he never said such things in the first place. & has a Twitter account to blab his contradictions (like Trump vs Trump on cyber security) & divulge his conspiracies (Obama "tapped" his phones). The Donald also reminds me of the old right-wing uncle who's always watching Fox News and retweeting whatever "news" Fox is choosing to propagate (always putting Trump in a positive light of course). At some point, we tune such people out. The reason I haven't tuned out Trump is because HE'S THE PRESIDENT.

And I don't know if I'm at the point where I can just ignore the Donald & his tweets. Simply because some of the replies against Trump are interesting, funny, and informative. Hence, some of the interesting, smart (progressive) Twitter people should keep tweeting and replying @ the Donald. 
Still, more often than not I find myself paying less attention to Trump's tweets.

Rachel Maddow says she doesn't pay attention to Trump's Tweets at all. According to her, it's more important to focus on what the Trump administration is doing as opposed to what they're saying.
I think that's right. Nevertheless, some journalists and comedians should continue to keep Trump's twitter account in check, by hopefully replying in an agressive but smart, funny & engaging manner.


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