Sunday, July 16, 2017

At least 9 people die in Arizona flash flooding

This evening, the local news reported that at least 9 people died in flash flooding in Payson, Arizona (90 miles northeast of Phoenix).
I was just thinking about how on my last hiking post I complained about the high-humidity & lack of rain here in Phoenix during the beginning of the monsoon season. This tragedy occurring nearby certainly puts everything into perspective. Another harrowing reminder about the unpredictability of the summer monsoon season, and how it can quickly become a life-or-death situation.

The NYTimes has an article about it (link above) with more details. It states six of the victims were children, and the tragedy occurred in a swimming hole called "cold springs" which is part of the "Verde River system". The article also states "flash flooding has caused more deaths in the state than any other thunderstorm-related hazard". So take all necessary precautions during monsoon season (which lasts through september):

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