Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Trump & republicans threaten to repeal #Obamacare without immediate replacement

This morning, Trump took to Twitter to say: "Republicans should just REPEAL failing ObamaCare now & work on a new Healthcare Plan that will start from a clean slate. Dems will join in!".

Unbelievable, Trump still think he's a Twitter troll who can just text BS on his smartphone without consequences. He's tweeting about Republicans like I would tweet about Democrats: difference is; (as I've said before) HE"S THE PRESIDENT. That type of nonsense is expected from Trump, but when I was watching the news this morning, McConnell suddenly appeared on my screen. McConnell stated he'd also like to repeal Obamacare and wait two years to see what happens.
I gotta say; it appears Trump's irresponsibility is rubbing off on McConnell (or maybe it was the other way around all along?).

I say irresponsible because, according to the CBO, a repeal of Obamacare would result in 18 million uninsured people within a year:

"Speaking on the Senate floor on Tuesday morning, Mr. McConnell laid out plans for a vote on a measure like the one vetoed by Mr. Obama in January 2016, which, Mr. McConnell said, would include a “repeal of Obamacare combined with a stable, two-year transition period.”
Under that bill, the Congressional Budget Office said, 18 million more people would be uninsured within a year, and 32 million fewer people would have coverage in 2026, compared with current law. Premiums, it said, would increase at least 20 percent in the first year and would double by 2026."

Thankfully, as I was writing this post, another article appeared on the NYTimes website titled "Plan C on Obamacare, repeal now, replace later, has collapsed":


So it appears some GOP senators (namely Collins, Moore Capito, & Murkowski) are showing (at least) a little bit of common sense.
Nevertheless, I still don't trust the GOP (for obvious reasons) and I know they'll keep #Trumpcare alive somehow. Just remember, it's no surprise some on Twitter took to calling it "Zombie #Trumpcare".

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