Friday, July 7, 2017

Hamburg, Germany G20 Protests

While watching the news this morning (about the large-scale protests in Hamburg: which of course, the presence of unpopular Trump is probably making more Europeans attend), it makes me think about how docile we-the-people are here in the United States.

The government wants to take what little health-care protections we have away from us, doesn't provide quality education (unless you pay dearly for it), most income goes to the 1%, etc. etc. & we-the-people just take it. The U.S. population has grown fat and detached; more interested in reality TV stars and sports than engaged in politics. I include myself in that department to be honest: more interested in watching sports events with friends (Canelo is gonna fight!) or binge-watching series on Netflix when I'm not out hiking (getting away from it all supposedly).

That's the thing with the U.S., you get sucked into the materialistic idea of a what a good life means.
Instagram and facebook the pictures of where you went this weekend and who you were with.
Meanwhile, the system keeps working against you. I don't condone violence against police officers but the population does have a right to protest (as was peacefully proven by the Women's march early this year). But events like that particular march are few and far between. In Europe, protests appear to be a regular occurrence; which is a good thing if you want to keep the government in check.

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