Thursday, July 27, 2017

#Trumpcare disguised as the #SkinnyRepeal bill (Update: it fails to pass Senate)

I was watching CNN today when I came across this chyron: 'senators demand assurances house won't pass "skinny" repeal bill'.  It was a televised press conference from GOP senators Graham, McCain, Johnson, & Cassidy about how much they disliked the "skinny repeal bill". Graham even called it a "disaster, a fraud".  Yet these senators are willing to pass it if the house promises not to pass it: huh?
Ted Lieu put it best when he tweeted: "Note to #GOP Senate: Um, if you don't want #SkinnyRepeal to become law, you shouldn't vote for it. Did I really just write that sentence?"

We are at the absurd point where the U.S. healthcare insurance market will probably plunge into chaos, all because the GOP just want to pass any bill that resembles #Trumpcare (probably because these senators were pressured by the right-wing like little schoolboys bullied by school-yard bullies).

Waiting to see if the #SkinnyRepeal bill actually passes...

Update late tonight: dramatic night. But as you can see above, the senator from my state John McCain, made the difference in the #SkinnyRepeal bill failing to pass the senate.

Now, the right-wing machine will begin attacking McCain non-stop but I'm guessing at this point in his life, McCain doesn't care. Besides, the right-wing machine have been smearing McCain for decades, even Trump said he wasn't a war hero.
Who knows if #Trumpcare will eventually pass the senate. I believe the republicans will continue trying to repeal #Obamacare: it's in their nature. But at least for tonight, many people will prob rest easier knowing they'll still have health insurance.

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