Wednesday, July 12, 2017

GOP vow to press ahead with #Trumpcare bill

Amidst the chaos of the Donald Trump Junior scandal, the republicans are vowing to press ahead with their effort to pass #Trumpcare. 
The following article in the NYTimes reveals several important details about this terrible bill:

Like the "Ted Cruz proposal": 

"...proposal by Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, that would allow insurers to sell stripped-down insurance policies if they also offered at least one plan that complied with federal insurance standards under the Affordable Care Act. Under this proposal, insurers could, for example, omit coverage of certain services like maternity care or mental health care."

"Critics of his proposal say it would create two insurance markets: an inexpensive one for the young and healthy, and another, far more expensive one for sick and older Americans that could price those with pre-existing medical conditions out of the market."

Also, the unpopular #Trumpcare bill would still include "deep cuts" in Medicaid spending:

"About two-thirds of the increase in the projected number of uninsured Americans would result from deep cuts in expected Medicaid spending, the budget office said. The bill would impose caps on Medicaid spending and would roll back the expansion of the program under the Affordable Care Act."

It'd be great if I'm proven wrong, but I doubt it; I believe the GOP's wealthy donors want their tax-cuts badly, thus #Trumpcare is very likely to be rammed through by the GOP. 

We can only hope the constituents affected (& even those not affected but who have a conscience) respond accordingly & stop #Trumpcare in its track.

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