Thursday, April 26, 2018

The controversy surrounding Joy Reid's blog posts (allegedly) from 2005-2006

In this current era, when our president is constantly lying. Lies about 3 millon "illegal" votes for Hillary, about him signing more bills than any president, about the republican tax cut "costing" him a fortune, about Stormy Daniels, etc. etc. etc:   it's easy to dismiss attacks from the right (and their allies) about progressive personalities not telling the truth.

To be honest: I disliked Joy Reid during the Clinton versus Sanders 2016 primary "war" because I was in the Bernie camp. Nevertheless, nowadays when I wake up on saturdays, when I get a chance I turn on MSNBC and watch her show. 
I watch her show because I agree with Joy Reid most of the time. But most importantly, because I believe her political views as a second-generation immigrant & as a person of color are needed in the Trump era.

When I first heard the accusations against Reid I thought they were bullshit: just projection from closet Trump fans against an effective voice from the moderate left. But this article from the "Atlantic" made me question my initial reaction:

In the article there is a link to the twitter user who began this controversy.
I read with interest the controversial blog posts from Joy Reid (allegedly) from 2005 and 2006: 

After reading the "Atlantic" article & the '05-'06 posts on Twitter, I still can't decide if they were written by Reid or not. And If I eventually do believe the posts were indeed written by her, I don't know if it's just my 2016 bias towards her making me arrive at that conclusion. 

It also makes me think; If I had written a political post in 2005-2006 about homosexuality, who knows what it would say? 
Even in this present day, I still hear people (online & in real-life) speaking in a derogatory manner towards gay people & sometimes I fail to speak up against it. 
As far as me, I don't believe I have ever expressed any anti-gay views over the years, but comments which might seem insensitive (at this moment in time): again, who knows?  

Even if the posts were written by Reid, I don't think MSNBC should fire her. There are very few people of color on TV with their own political shows, and the message it would send (though making many on the right happy) would negatively affect MSNBC with their own audience. 

In addition, firing her would not solve anything. Instead, IF the posts were written by her (there's still the possibility her account could have been hacked) Joy Reid could respond to this incident with a mea culpa. & use it as a teachable moment in the continuing acceptance of gay people in our society, and how far we have moved in just one decade. Cenk Uygur had a similar incident recently with very old blog posts which were deemed sexist by today's standards. Uygur aknowledged and apologized. Reid could do the same (again if she did write the posts) but time is running out.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Trump, la caravana de centro-Americanos en Mexico, y el libro "the camp of the saints"

Trump ultimamente esta mas racista que de costumbre. Y yo creo que la razon es por lo siguiente: la caravana de centro-Americanos en Mexico, y la reciente popularidad del libro racista "the camp of the Saints". 

Trump se la lleva viendo Fox News (en vez de trabajar) y Fox news (Tucker Carlson) ultimamente le ha dado publicidad a ese libro. Debido a esto, Cenk Uygur de los "Young Turks" explico en su programa de "YouTube" la trama de "the camp of the Saints":
Segun Uygur (leyendo un articulo de Huffpost), el libro "the camp of the Saints" se trata de un lider de immigrantes Indio que se llama el "come-cerotes" (asi como lo leen) porque literalmente come mierda. Y su acompañante que es un niño psiquico deforme siempre sentado en el hombro del "come-cerotes". Juntos, los dos dirijen a una "armada" de 800,000 Indios pobres (y desviados sexuales) que tratan de llegar a Francia. Politicos Europeos y un Papa liberal de CentroAmerica tratan de decidir si aceptar a los immigrantes o si matarlos (?).  

En "camp of the Saints", al mismo tiempo que los Indios immigrantes llegan a Francia, gente de color pobre invaden a toda la civilizacion de occidente. Grandes cantidades de gente China entra a Rusia, la reina de Inglaterra se ve forzada a casar a su hijo con una mujer Pakistana, el alcalde de Nueva York tiene que albergar a una familia negra. 

El libro fue escrito en los 70's. Y por ridiculo que se oiga, la razon que la extrema derecha moderna esta "asustada" es porque hoy dia si tenemos un Papa LatinoAmericano, el alcalde de Nueva York esta casado con una mujer AfroAmericana, y el principe Harry le pidio matrimonio a una mujer bi-racial.  

Fox News y Breitbart ("noticias" a las que sigue Trump), han hablado de ese libro racista, y pienso que Trump en su ignorancia, esta confundiendo la caravana en Mexico con la  "armada" de "camp of Saints". Ayer, sin ningun tipo de prueba, el embustero y tremendamente (para usar una palabra del Donald) mentiroso Trump menciono que las mujeres indocumentadas en la caravana estaban siendo violadas "a niveles nunca vistos":

'Trump dice que las indocumentadas son violadas "a niveles nunca vistos"'

Asi que la proxima vez que oigas a los de la extreme derecha "angustiados" por la caravana en Mexico, recuerda de donde vienen esos tales "temores". Del libro racista "the camp of Saints".