Friday, June 30, 2017

Federally centralized database of voters

Today on the news:

"A commission created by President Donald Trump to enhance confidence in America’s elections has asked all 50 states for copies of their voter records which often include names, addresses and ages. The commission has said it intends to make the information widely available."

"The commission also asked for information beyond what is typically contained in voter registration records, including Social Security numbers and military status, if the state election databases contain it."

I personally find this alarming. 

And, as I "tweeted" yesterday on my twitter account; if my information is mishandled (which, knowing the Trump administration, is not that far-fetched) I will need compensation. Right away I was accused by a twitter troll of wanting "welfare": this is the state of political discourse nowadays. 

The reason I said I will need compensation is because I know first-hand the financial toll that having one's identity stolen takes on your family. My baby-boomer-aged parents's identity was stolen  and I had to work fast to stop the damage: from making endless copies and contacting credit bureaus, to going to the local police department and calling the police departments in the cities where my parents's information was misused.

It was a nightmare, not to mention all the anger and frustration. 

Regardless, the comments from the story below also caught my attention:

“I have every reason to think that given the shoddy work that Mr. Kobach has done in this area in the past that this is going to be yet another boondoggle and a propaganda tool that tries to inflate the problem of double registration beyond what it actually is,” 

“As we know with Kobach, he’s obsessed with trying to identify voter fraud and finds it in a lot of places where it doesn’t exist,”

On top of the comments above, why would the Trump commission (headed by Mr. "shoddy work" Kobach) need social security numbers?  In addition; why create a national database that could become a "propaganda tool" used against U.S. citizens?

There has to be another way to "enhance confidence in America's elections" that doesn't include having all our information in a federal database controlled by a partisan like Kobach. 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Caos en Venezuela (Español)

Con todo lo que esta pasando en Venezuela, hoy me acorde de este articulo que lei en el NYTimes hace unas semanas:

El titulo del articulo se pudiera traducir de la siguente manera: "Como Venezuela tropezo al borde de derrumbe".

Despues de seguir (de muy lejos) el trayecto del Chavismo en Venezuela se me hizo interesante leer el sinnumero de errores que cometio el gobierno Venezolano. En realidad (años atras) todos en mi familia siempre atacaban a Chavez, excepto yo. Yo veia a Chavez con un poco de favorabilidad (debido a que supuestamente ayudaba a la gente pobre).

Con certeza puedo decir que a Maduro absolutamente nunca lo vi con nada de favorabilidad. Nunca me parecio que fuera un lider competente. Pero el articulo (aunque relativamente corto) explica a fondo como llego Venezuela a este estado de caos. Este es una breve explicacion del articulo:

1) Un establecimiento dividido en dos (predispuesto al derrumbe). 
Basicamente; acuerdos entre dos partidos politicos para escoger a candidatos del establecimiento y bloquear a candidatos independientes hizo la politica menos sensible a los deseos de la poblacion. 
Debido a eso, cuando hubo crisis economica en los ochentas, la poblacion concluyo que el sistema politico trabajaba en contra de ellos. 
El establecimiento de los dos partidos trato de resolver el problema al relajar las reglas para que mas candidatos independientes pudieran elegirse. Pero la economia siguio deteriorandose. Debido a esas dos circunstancias cuando Chavez se lanzo como candidato con un tema populista, gano el poder.

2) La guerra del populismo contra el estado.
Aunque Chavez obtubo el poder, el establecimiento de los dos partidos siguio dominando el gobierno.
Hubo batallas (judiciales y en la legislatura) entre el Chavismo y el establecimiento que debilitaron a los dos lados.

3) El golpe de estado aumento el conflicto mas alla de la ideologia.
En el 2002 hubo un atentado de golpe de estado contra Chavez. Pero Chavez volvio al poder, y la polarizacion entre los dos segmentos de la poblacion (Chavismo contra establecimiento) se intensifico, destruyendo cualquier posibilidad de compromiso.

4) Convirtiendo el Petroleo en lealtad.
Poco despues del golpe de estado, trabajadores de petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) hicieron huelga contra Chavez (debido a que habian denunciado a PDVSA por lazos con elites extranjeros y Estados Unidos).
La huelga se derrumbo, y Chavez corrio a 18,000 trabajadores del PDVSA y los remplazo con 100,000 Chavistas. Los Chavistas usaron mucha de la ganancia de la venta del petroleo para programas sociales que ayudaban a la gente pobre pero tambien (obviamente) hubo corrupcion y mal mantenimiento de las instalaciones. Y todo termino mal cuando cayo el precio del petroleo en el 2014.

5) Remplazando los disturbios urbanos con caos urbano.
El golpe de estado del 2002 le enseño a Chavez que una alianza con grupos armados conocidos como colectivos le ayudaria a controlar las calles donde los protestantes lo habian tumbado del poder.
Los colectivos, al obtener armas y dinero del estado, se convirtieron en ejecutores politicos y desafiaron a la policia por control. La criminalidad e ilegalidad crecieron al igual que los indices de homicidio.

6) No hay democracia ni dictadura.
El sistema politico Venezolano (despues de años de desgaste) se ha convertido en una mezcla inestable de caracteristicas democraticas y autoritarias. Las reglas internas cambian de dia a dia y los centros de poderes rivales compiten ferozmente por control. Maduro no puede asumir control total, y debido a que es gravemente impopular, su control sobre las instituciones democraticas y sobre los elementos autoritarios (como los elites que controlan el ejercito) es debil. 

El gobierno es muy autoritario para coexistir con instituciones democraticas pero es muy debil para acabar con ellas sin arriesgar su propio derrumbe. Los protestantes estan en las calles pero estan estancados en batallas con los colectivos y las fuerzas de seguridad, y no esta claro que lado tomaria el ejercito si interviniera.

Es buen articulo y les recomiendo leerlo (aunque esta en English). Responde muchas preguntas para mi, sobre que fue lo que paso en Venezuela que lo llevo a este punto tan critico. Obviamente el punto de vista en Norte-Americano pero suena razonable; especialmente los puntos criticos: el golpe de estado en contra de Chavez, la huelga del PDVSA, no mantener las instalaciones petroleras en buen estado, falta de planificacion cuando el dinero estaba fluyendo, darle poder a los grupos armados, y la caida del precio del petroleo.

He conocido a gente Venezolana y se que Venezuela es un gran pueblo de gente de calidad. Recuerden amigos Venezolanos que las cosas de una manera u otra tienen que mejorar: simplemente debido a que lo que esta pasando no es tolerable, ni creo que pueda durar para siempre.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Trump's fake "Time" magazine cover

Check out the real "Time" magazine cover featuring Kate Winslet from March 2, 2009 next to the #fakeNews ( supposedly from the same date) "Time" magazine cover featuring Trump (which is actually hanging in Trump's golf clubs).

It's ironic that, after all their talk against misinformation, Trump's properties fell for #fakeNews.
Nevertheless, I do have to give credit to the Trump administration, they know exactly how to attack the press (which is what the GOP base wants). I am surprised though, at how the press is slow to fight back: it might be because news media is owned by corporations which probably (although they deny it) have control over content. Thus news organizations can't get too aggressive; after all, federal regulators might make their job harder.

In all fairness though, upon reading the NYtimes story about the CNN retraction (link above); it is clear to me that if news organizations fail in their procedures when publishing a story, the consequences are massive: Trump's supporters are now yelling about fake news, and the news media might actually begin to retreat. Meanwhile, three CNN employees lost their job and livelihood.

But remember, Trump lost by three million votes, and many of those who didn't vote at all, can't stand the president either. Hence, there is intense pressure from a large percentage of the population for news organizations to hold the Trump administration accountable. And I hope they do it without having to issue retractions which only help to fuel the #fakeNews charges from the right-wing. Amidst all the fake news ("Time" covers included) and inaccurate information, now is the time for the real news to prevail.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Vote on #Trumpcare delayed

I am writing this on June 27th, 2017 at the same time as I'm watching the CNN chyron: "Vote on health care bill delayed". And although the bill was delayed, we shouldn't celebrate just yet. It is very likely that Senate majority leader McConnell will eventually pass the bill. The right-wing is flush with cash and their wealthy donors want their tax cuts no matter what. Nevertheless, I do admire groups like Indivisible Guide: who are organizing the resistance against the Trump administration and its policies.

I do wish "Indivisible guide" all the luck in the world but I also remember back in '09 when Obamacare was being debated, and there was intense confrontations between constituents and their democratic congressmen, yet the bill still passed. So I'm not too confident the resistance will defeat Trumpcare.
And that's the thing with the right-wing, they never give up and they always seem to be planning for the long haul. Democrats and Progressives should learn from the right-wing, and organizations like "Indivisible Guide" are doing just that; copying the tea party playbook and using their tactics.

I guess the only hope I have, is the fact it's politically hard to take something away from constituents: & 22 million people losing health care is the very definition of taking something away (with life-or-death consequences).

Monday, June 26, 2017

Retail Jobs are vanishing

I was reading this NYtimes article about rural communities that were hit by steel mill closings, and are now being hit by the loss of retail jobs:

I'd like to think I have a stable job, but in this environment of constantly changing technology and corporations cutting costs; you never know. Being uncertain about your job is just the reality of being of working age and living in the U.S. at this moment in time. And now, we, the struggling masses, have to worry about Trumpcare. It didn't surprise me about the people portrayed in the NY times article:  "The county voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Trump", but the question is; will they hold Trump accountable for all the promises of "good jobs"?

If the results of the Georgia special election are any indication, I'm not so sure. Also, people who will lose their jobs, like the ones portrayed in the story, would benefit from medicaid in case of illness or Obamacare subsidies if they're between jobs. But it's because of how this particular county voted that all of it's in jeopardy: elections have consequences as they say (and people voting against their interests: clichéd but true nonetheless).

So whenever I start to feel hopeful about the future (despite our government seemingly voting against our interests), there are always news days like today to keep me in check.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Blood on the rocks

Being that I only have a chance to hike during weekends, I went to a local mountain preserve today despite another "extreme heat" warning (115 degrees forecast for today here in Phoenix).
The oppressive heat notwithstanding, I had a good hike (no major slips or falls: thank God). But as I was hiking down the mountain I saw blood splattered across some rocks in the trail.
When I saw the blood I was actually listening to this verse from Johnny Cash's "further on (up the road)" on my headphones:

"Now I been out in the desert, just doin' my time
Searchin' through the dust, lookin' for a sign
If there's a light up ahead well brother I don't know
But I got this fever burnin' in my soul
So let's take the good times as they go
And I'll meet you further on up the road"

Staring at the blood, I couldn't help but wonder what happened. & what I'd do if it happened to me.
If I lost my footing and fell on rocks and needed immediate medical help (with Trumpcare in the news) depending on the seriousness of the injury, would I refrain from calling 911 for fear of what it'd cost me (rescue from a mountain)?
I have health insurance but I've never had to use it since I'm relatively young and healthy: I don't even remember the specifics of my plan (80/20 with a low ded I think?). Was the person who fell on the rocks in the same predicament?

As I kept hiking down the mountain I saw a trail of blood: obviously the injured person decided to hike down and hopefully go seek medical help ASAP.

"Now I been out in the desert, just doin' my time"

Listening to this part of the song, I couldn't help but also think of the warming planet. Having lived in Phoenix since I was a kid I'm used to surviving in the heat. But what about the future? How will we humans cope?

It's amazing all the things that go through your mind when you see the unexpected at the same time you're listening to a great song.

Finally, just as I reached the parking lot (I could see my car (with A/C!)), being that I was still listening to the Johnny Cash playlist, the final song I listened to was "He turned the water into wine".

You don't have to have faith in Jesus Christ. You might have faith in Muhammad or you might be Agnostic, but everybody clings to hope that at the end of the day everything will be alright: Let's hope it is.

"He walked upon the Sea of Galilee
Shouted far and wide he calmed the raging tide and 
walked upon the Sea of Galilee"

Friday, June 23, 2017


"Self-portrait" photo of me while hiking Camelback mountain in Phoenix, Arizona.


Upon reading the responses on social media and on TV about Nancy Pelosi and the house seat loss in GA06, it appears to me that the discussion has devolved into yet another fight between the Clinton and Sanders camp.

Nevertheless, after hearing all points of view, I believe both camps make some pretty good points.
Pelosi has been effective in keeping democrats united when it comes to votes, but we also need to see new faces in government. I couldn't help but think of the latter as I watched Pelosi when she was speaker of the house back in '09, sitting there behind a dark-haired Obama (no gray hair yet).

The particular video was about Obama in his first SOTU address. The former president was talking about health care (which is relevant now that the GOP want to pass the horrible Trumpcare bill). Obama is popular among the population (one of the reasons could be nostalgia now that he's no longer president) but the same can't be said of Pelosi. And as I said a couple of posts ago. the republicans will
link Pelosi to dem house candidates in '18. Therefore, the democrats need to find an effective response to the attack ads. In addition, they need to allow some candidates to distance themselves from Pelosi without repercussions.

Otherwise the wealthy right-wing machine will make sure the house stays firmly under GOP control.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Republicans unveil #Trumpcare

I woke up today to CNN and MSNBC blasting the news that republicans unveiled a draft of Trumpcare.
So when I had time, I went ahead and read the NY times article about it:

"OBAMACARE Imposed new taxes to help pay for coverage expansion. They include taxes on investment income, wages above $200,000, medical devices, prescription drugs and indoor tanning.
SENATE BILL Eliminates most of the taxes. A tax on high-cost employer health plans, established under Obamacare, but yet to kick in, would be imposed beginning in 2026."

Note: "Elminates most of the taxes". Republicans always trying to cut taxes for people with high-income.

"SENATE BILL Allows the 31 states that expanded Medicaid to continue getting federal funding through 2023, with reduced funding starting in 2021. Medicaid expansion would end in 2024.
Separate from the expansion, the bill caps future federal funding per enrollee, based on how much each state has spent historically. States also have the option to receive a lump-sum block grant for some beneficiaries.
The Congressional Budget Office estimated that similar policies in the bill passed by the House would cut more than $800 billion from the program over a decade. The Senate formula would cut the program sharply, substantially reducing future Medicaid spending."

Wow: "Medicaid expansion would end". It doesn't surprise me since Republicans are always trying to pass legislation against poor people. But republican constituents should keep in mind, you don't have to be poor to be a stakeholder in Medicaid (or future stakeholder: for example a future nursing home resident). 
My point is, Trumpcare's decimation of medicaid won't take effect until 2024. You might think that's too far in the future. Nevertheless, you could be a future stakeholder who'll be affected if you're a baby-boomer who'll eventually need financial help to stay at a nursing home. Or, if you're the child of baby-boomer parents with the same eventual predicament.

With Republicans in charge, I often find myself worrying about the future. #Trumpcare just took it to another level: smh.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Half of Americans making less than $20 hour

I watched a "Young Turks" video: "Half Of Americans Make What Minimum Wage SHOULD Be" 

I'm in the other half, nevertheless, I always struggle to make ends meet. I can't imagine what some families are going through (not to mention the stress on those households with family members who are undocumented: but that's another story).  After watching the video, I find it unsurprising that there's a lot of dissatisfaction in the general population with our economic and political system.
I did find the graph interesting just to see where I'm at in relation to the rest of the population. Also, look at the $27-$30 hourly bump in the graph: I'd guess it's all the middle-managers out there?  

Trump, the Democrats, and the Georgia special election

I stopped writing in this blog because that's the way things go (maybe I felt writing in English and Spanish was too much of a hassle: I don't know). Nevertheless,  I came back and reading my June 25, 2016 post about Trump, I gotta say: I was right. The energy generated by Trump led to him becoming president. In addition, even now, upon seeing the results of the Georgia special election (despite progressive groups raising 25 million dollars) we can deduce that the republicans are still firmly in charge.

It seems to me, Trump will always have the support of his base as long as he keeps providing the optics of ICE deporting undocumented immigrants as well as the Donald "cutting red tape and regulations" (whatever that means). So now, like my post in June 25, 2016, I get the uneasy feeling Democrats won't be able to defeat the right-wing machine (and its massive amount of money) unless they have a clearer and more concise message. Ossoff seemed like a republican-lite to me, and all the right-wing had to do is link him to Nancy Pelosi and say he wanted to "raise taxes". If the democratic leadership want to start winning races, they need to find a solution to the unpopularity of Pelosi and the GOP constantly linking democratic candidates to "San Francisco values".